Counties We Serve
Otsego County Information
9 River Street PO Box 781
Oneonta, NY 13820
Tel: (607) 433-0002
Fax: (607) 433-2867
Care Coordination, Treatment & Crisis Services
Family Stabilization Program
The Family Stabilization Program (FSP) is a comprehensive treatment program designed to serve youth with multiple challenges in their community. The program is designed to help keep families together by providing them critical skills and tools to resolve crises and achieve long term stability. The program’s primary objectives are to improve individual and family functioning, reduce the risk of out of home placement, and to bring out the best in both caregivers and children.
FSP Clinicians utilize a strength-based, trauma-informed, and family driven approach. Clinicians are trained in evidence-based practices such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Collaborative and Proactive Problem Solving, and Motivational Interviewing.
Housing Options
Elm Street Residence
Mental health adult (18 and over) community residences are OMH-licensed group homes that vary in size from 8 to 14 individuals. They serve Medicaid-eligible individuals needing 24 hours a day - 7 days a week care from staff, who work intensely with the residents in formulating individualized service plans. These generally include medication management and training, life skills training, and services and interventions that support health and wellness. Group living programs are intended to transition residents to more independent settings as soon as possible. (Programs specializing in serving individuals dually-diagnosed with mental illness and chemical abuse are indicated with the acronym MICA, those serving exclusively geriatric residents with the abbreviation GERI, those providing short-term (less than 6 months) transitional living are indicated with the acronym STCR, those serving individuals with mental illness and developmental disabilities are indicated with the acronym MIDD).
Supportive Housing Program
Non-licensed apartment living with rental assistance and case management housing support services provided to help individuals secure and maintain successful community living. Residents choose their own apartment, receive funding for furnishings and security deposits, and may choose to live alone or have the option of selecting an apartment-mate(s). Staff visit residents at least once a month or more often if necessary.
Treatment Apartment Program
OMH-licensed residential units of one, two, or three bedrooms with visiting staff who provide individualized Medicaid-reimbursed services similar to, but generally less intensive than, those offered in a group living setting. Residents are expected to transition to more independent living when able. On-call is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.
Elmwood Residence
Mental health children’s community residences are OMH-licensed 8-bed group homes, staffed 24 hours a day - 7 days a week, where male and female residents (12-18 years of age) receive a comprehensive array of age-appropriate services that may include individual and group counseling, care coordination, life skills teaching, educational/vocational support services, health services, independent living skills training, medication management and training, medication monitoring, family support services, behavior management training, and socialization that is both informal yet structured. The residences emphasize community integration in normative settings and provide transportation for recreation, family visits, and service coordination. Family members and collaterals are participants in all aspects of treatment and care. The goal of the residence is family reunification or movement to independent living.
The Oneonta Bagel Co.
Affirmative businesses, also known as social enterprises, are community-integrated businesses operated by RSS where client worker-trainees are matched closely with jobs according to their skills and preferences. They are paid at least minimum wage and receive considerable on-site support and accommodations. These positions can be either transitional or long-term.
Montain View Wellness Center
Social Clubs are non licensed member-operated day, evening and weekend programs with a strong emphasis on mutual support, training, advocacy, employment, socialization and health and wellness activities.
Rehabilitation Support Services, Inc.
5172 Western Turnpike | Altamont, NY 12009